Who harvests the biggest potatoes? My Little Farmies!

Bamberg, September 12, 2023. Autumn vegetables have thrived particularly well in My Little Farmies, so their largest specimens are now being awarded prizes. The developer and publisher of popular online games, upjers (https://en.upjers.com/), has created a superlative vegetable growing festival for its farm simulation.

Potatoes as tall as men and onions the size of medicine balls: late summer produces gigantic vegetables in My Little Farmies (https://en.upjers.com/my-little-farmies). The residents on the medieval farm celebrate this with an autumn event - the Vegetable Growing Festival.

Everyone brings their greatest growing successes and together with other event decorations, such as autumn bench and vegetable market, it becomes a wonderful decoration event.
As a reward for the mega vegetable show, there is more storage space and the new wonder of the world "Nut Garden". Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and beechnuts grow here - players can also pick up trail mix from their nut garden.

Everyone who reaches event level 7 in our autumn event in My Little Farmies will have all the card pieces required to set up the nut garden. Our autumn event runs until September 19, 2023 (10:59 am CEST). upjers wishes you much success!